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Internet access is 'a fundamental right'

"Almost four in five people around the world believe that access to the internet is a fundamental right, a poll for the BBC World Service suggests."

Category: Communications


Rise in UK carbon emissions disputed by report

"Soil deposits of CO2 'not fuelling global warming yet – but will in future'"

Category: Climate Change


First contact: The man who'll welcome aliens

"Jon Ronson meets Paul Davies, the scientist with an awesome responsibility"

Category: Space


The health risks of a big carbon footprint

"But while the iconic images might be of the polar ice caps melting, paediatrician Dr Tony Waterston warns there will also be a devastating human health cost unless we reduce our carbon footprint."

Category: Climate Change


Boilers that generate electricity could power homes more efficiently than grid

"New generation of domestic micro-combined heat and power units could slash fuel bills and reduce carbon emissions"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 751 to 755 out of 2977